Pictured above - Not a Thal
The Daleks and Thals are enemies, but due to the nuclear war that has ravaged the planet the Thals are looking to unite under the common goal of survival. The return of Susan to the city with an offer of peace from the Thals, shows the Daleks cunning as they set up a trap under the guise of a food pack. It is interesting to see these traits in the Daleks even in their first appearance.
I particularly enjoyed the set up and execution of the Dalek 'kidnap' and the voice modulation of Ian's BBC accent was very amusing. The lift escape sequence, was topped off by the Daleks art installation being dropped down the shaft. It is clearly there to advance the plot, by slowing the Daleks down, but it is nice to see that ruthless alien armies have an appreciation for the arts.
Just as the story looks to be coming to a conclusion, the bombshell is dropped that a key component, the mercury vial the Doctor used earlier, has been taken by the Daleks and that they need to return to the city. I think having come into Doctor Who in 2005, I'm struggling with the slower pace and toing and frowing that the one and a bit stories I've watched so far. Anywho, onwards...
8 Episodes of 790 watched
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